Process & Design Solutions
We partner with tier-one plant engineering companies who identify our specialist knowledge which enables us to provide the best industry client solutions. This is based on our expertise and knowledge in the following areas, which are critical to our success:
- To address the industry specific challenges, in the treatment process, with ready-made solutions for specific pollutants or target elements.
- Using our large database of successful installations, to help in understanding what works best, in the specific industry, environment and local typography. We have an extensive database of performance indicators, gathered over many years, to facilitate industry benchmarking. We also deploy simulation tools to predict potential savings and environmental efficiencies for specific technology solutions.
- We have strong awareness of the fast-changing industry regulatory framework. As champions of best- practice, we have well established relationships with the regulatory authorities, which gives us a good understanding of their current and future requirements. Thereby future-proofing our solutions.
- We are constantly looking to evaluate and partner with new technologies which offer improved performance results and have successfully introduced new patented technologies to the marketplace.